Tuesday, May 18, 2010


So, I figured that a readerless blog is as good a place as any to write about life a little bit. I've never been terribly good at or interested in keeping up journals but I think that it's nice to write things down as a way of sorting them out, celebrating them, angsting, etc.

Yesterday I returned home for the week. I'm going back to campus really soon, which is nice to know. I was ready to go home for a little bit. It's nice to be here, mostly because of family and friends here, but also for the enormous shift in quality of life. I like not having to wear flip flops in the shower.

I think (ok, I know) I was tired yesterday. I didn't sleep the night before leaving because I still had packing to do, sunrise frisbee to play, and tasty chocolate eating to do and it wouldn't be the end of the semester without irresponsible sleep choices. So by the time I got to the airport I was exhausted. Super exhausted. The most exhausted. And the fact that I'm now a junior in college hit me.

I was watching a family sitting by me at the gate. They were so excited, going off on an adventure. I think they were going to Boston. It was sweet to watch them interacting, there was a maybe 10 year-old girl with her 8ish year-old brother. It reminded me of Matt and myself. But I couldn't help but feel, while watching this family, that I was leaving mine. I mean, it sounds so melodramatic to say it like that, but my melodramatic, sleep-angsty brain kept repeating that thought. I love my family here and I love love love my friends, but this year was a rough academic year. My Pomona family kept me sane and, against all odds, really happy through cell bio, o-chem, physics, etc. They kept me happy through ZiNi o-chem and life's occasional disappointments. They were there to create awesome memories and to frequently make me laugh my ass off. They were there to celebrate success and understood the different scale of success that o-chem required. :) I'm going to miss the guys over the summer. Far more than I care to admit. It's already sinking in that I'm not going to see them for three months and it's freaking me out. Which is really problematic because there is going to come a time when I won't see them for far more than three months.

I'm so excited to be spending my summer with NotablyIndigo. So so so so so so excited. I think that's what is lessening the sleepybrain freak out that I had yesterday. There are going to be other awesome friends on campus too which will be fun. :D I still have two more years to go and I'm not going to let myself start worrying about graduating.

I was introduced to "Take Me On" by A-Ha in the last-night-all-nighter. It's kinda fun. Ok, it's really fun. In a 80s pop kind of way (because it is an 80s pop song). :) Also, check out "Total eclipse of the heart literal version" on youtube. It's kind of the best thing ever and just one of the many songs that my Pomamily (I don't think I like that word but it'll do for now) and I can sing on command and regularly break into, reference, and get stuck in our heads during tests. :P

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